140 East Church Street Sellersville, PA 18960 | 215-257-5075


Sellersville Borough Borough Manager
Eileen M. Bradley
Office phone: 215-257-5075
Email: manager@sellersvilleboro.org

Assistant to the Manager
Brenda Detweiler
Office phone: 215-257-5075 ext 101
Email: bdetweiler@sellersvilleboro.org

Utilities Manager & Payroll Administrator
Cheryl Zischang
Office phone: 215-257-5075 ext 102
Email: utilities@sellersvilleboro.org

Regina Stevenson
Office phone: 215-257-5075 ext 108
Email: finance@sellersvilleboro.org

Administrative Clerk
Alivia Tremmel
Office phone: 215-257-5075 ext 100
Email: atremmel@sellersvilleboro.org

Public Works Superintendent
Mike Zischang
Office phone: 215-257-5215

Borough Solicitor
Vicki Kushto, Esq.
Office phone: 215-348-1776
Email: vkushto@clemonslaw.com

Borough Engineer
Office phone: 215-536-7075
Website: Cowan Associates

David Zipf
Office phone: 215-345-3419
Email: dczipf@buckscounty.org
Website: Bucks County Planning Commission

Sellersville Borough
© Sellersville Borough
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